Contact Saturday, 15 February 2025

For timely and accurate response, please direct your feedback and inquiries to the appropriate email address:

Feedback & Suggestions

We welcome your comments and suggestions and will try to utilize them in future web site enhancements. Please send your comments and ideas to

Trouble using the site?

If you experience trouble while using or you are having technical problems while navigating the site, first check the FAQ for a solution. This archive of FAQ addresses the general difficulties and solutions. If you don't find the solutions you're looking for, drop us a line by email to

Please include the following information:
- The browser you are using
- Your name
- A detailed description of the problem
- The operating system being used
- Any error messages received

Found a bug or dead link on our site?

In order to make our site better for our users. We'd really like to know about what error and bug you found. Tell us how you generated the error, what error messages received and the browser you were using by email to

Reviews Enquiries and Contributions

Would like to have your favourite automotive to be reviewed? We welcome contributions and ideas. Send your request to or write to us on the following address at the bottom of the page. We reserve the right to edit all contributions for content and length. Be sure to include your full name and mailing address in all correspondence.

Dealer Inquiries

Would like to become a member dealer? Send your request to or, if you'd like to contact us by regular mail, please address your information to the appropriate contact below.

Banner ad rates and questions?

Email us if you have questions about the status of your banner ad, viewing or modifying your banner ad, extending your banner ad to another period. Email us at to communicate with the sales personnel.

Public ad inquiries

Email us at if you have questions about your used vehicle ad, viewing or modifying your ad, or if you forgot your password.

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